Section 1. Number and Election: The business of this Corporation shall be managed by a Board
consisting of nine directors. The members of the Board shall be elected by the membership
present and voting at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation to be held the third Saturday in
June. All members of the Board of Directors must be property owners on Little McDonald or
Kerbs Lake. No person shall be elected a Director who is not a paid-up member of this
Association. Any member of the Board of Directors whose membership expires and is
not paid up within 30 days of notification by the Board of Directors shall become ineligible for
membership on the Board of Directors and this position will be declared vacant. Such vacancies
shall be promptly filled by the Board of Directors by appointment to serve until the next
Section 2. Term of Office: Three members of the Board shall be elected for three-year terms at
the Annual Meeting of the Association, replacing the vacancies created by expiring terms.
Directors may be elected for not more than three consecutive terms, but can be elected again
after a one-year absence.
Section 3. Ex-Officio Member: The current retiring President, providing that his/her Board term
has expired and he/she is not re-elected, shall remain as an Ex-Officio member of the Board.
This will be an advisory position only, without a vote, for a one-year term.
Section 4. Removal of Director: Any member of the Board of Directors who has not attended
four (4) consecutive meetings, provided they have received due notice of said meetings, will be
contacted by the Board and relieved of their position and the position declared vacant. This
vacancy shall be promptly filled by the Board of Directors by appointment, appointee to serve
until the next election. Extenuating circumstances will be acted on by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Officers: Officers of this Corporation shall consist of a President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer. No officer shall hold two offices.
Section 2. Method of Election: Corporate officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors from
among their own membership at the first board meeting following the Annual Association
Section 3. Term of Office: Officers of this Corporation shall hold their respective offices from the
close of the meeting at which they are elected for a period of one year and until their successors
are elected and qualified. Officers may be elected to the same office for not more than three
consecutive terms unless waived by the Board by a two-thirds vote of its directors.
Section 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and all
Membership meetings, regular or special, which occur during the term of office. The President
shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and supervise its work and activities.
Together with the Secretary, the President shall sign all corporate documents involving the sale
or acquisition of any property and all contracts or commitments duly approved by the
Corporation. Other duties pertinent to the office or authorized by statute shall also be
Section 2. Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside at all
Directors’ meetings and meetings of the Membership. In the event of the resignation or inability
of the President to perform his/her duties, the Vice President shall assume the powers of the
President. The Vice President shall also perform such other special duties as may be assigned by
the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all
regular and special meetings of the membership and minutes of all meeting of the Board of
Directors. The Secretary shall keep a file of all correspondence necessary to maintain the
business of this Corporation and shall maintain a complete and current list of the membership
of the Corporation. In the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall
preside at all Directors' meetings and meetings of the Membership. The Secretary shall also
perform such other special duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
The Secretary shall countersign with the Treasurer, checks for all obligations of the Corporation.
Corporation books maintained by the Secretary shall be open for inspection at all reasonable
business hours by any member of the Corporation.
Section 4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of the receipt and
disbursements of all moneys belonging to the Corporation and handled by it in its normal course
of business. At each regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors, or of the
membership of the corporation, the Treasurer shall prepare and file with the Secretary a
complete and current Financial Report. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate and current record
of the dues status of the members of the Corporation and shall assume the supervision of all
membership drives and membership renewals. Together with the Secretary, the Treasurer
shall countersign all checks drawn on the accounts of the Corporation when the same have been
approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Time and Place of Meeting: There shall be no less than one regular meeting of the
membership each year. The time and place of such meeting shall be determined by the Board of
Directors, provided however, that the Annual Meeting shall be held the second Saturday of June
of each year. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors at
such time and place as they shall determine or upon the written petition of twenty members of
the Corporation, duly filed with the President who shall then call the special meeting as
Section 2. Notice of Meetings: Notice of the time and place of either a regular or special meeting
of the Corporation shall be given by publication of one notice in no less than one newspaper in
or adjacent to the area served by the Corporation. Such notice is to be given no less than 10 days
prior to the date of such meeting. Additional notices may be given by the Board of Directors in
such manner as the Board shall determine but no later than 10 days prior to each such meeting.
Notice of regular meetings shall not require specific notice of any business to come before the
meeting, but all notices for special meetings shall specify the specific items of business to be
brought before the meeting. Meeting notices to members who register an out of area address
shall be by mail to the last known address of record.
Section 3. Quorum: A Quorum needed in order to conduct business at the Annual Membership
Meeting and other regular or special meetings shall include no less than 25 paid Association
Members. (As defined in Article VI, Section 1.) A Quorum being present, all business of the
meeting may proceed to determination.
Section 1. Notice of Meeting: The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall meet at such time
and place as may be determined by the President or Vice President in the absence of the
President, or by written notice signed by five members of the Board of Directors. The Secretary
shall give written notice to all members of the Board not less than seven (7) calendar days prior
to the date of said meeting, such notice to be by mail, directed to the last known address of each
Board member. A member may waive in writing such notice requirement. Regular meetings of
the Board shall be decided by the Board at the first meeting held following the Annual Meeting
and include no less than four meetings per year to be held in May, July, September and
December of each year. The notice of the regular meetings of the Board need not specify the
items of business to be taken up at each such meeting, but the notice of any special meeting shall
specify the items of business to be brought before it.
Section 2. Quorum: Five members of the Board of Directors shall constitute the necessary
Quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 1. Executive Committee: The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall
constitute the Executive Committee of the Corporation. Other members of the Board of
Directors may be appointed to this committee. The Executive Committee may also appoint such
individuals as may be necessary to conduct the business of the Corporation. All members of the
Executive Committee must be paid-up members of the Association. The Committee may act on
behalf of the corporation in any manner when the Board of Directors is not in session, reporting
to the Board of Directors for its ratification of Committee action at such regular and special
Board Meetings called in part for that purpose. Three members of the Committee shall
constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business. Meetings may be called by the Chairperson
or by a request of three members of the committee. The Executive Committee shall have the
Treasurer's accounts audited annually and shall report therein to the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Nominations Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President
and three current Association members, appointed by the President on or before the first day of
May of each year. The Committee shall recruit a minimum of three candidates to replace the
three Board of Directors whose terms will expire. The committee shall notify the Secretary, in
writing at least thirty (30) days before the date of the Annual Association Meeting, of the names
of such candidates. The Secretary shall mail a copy of the slate of candidates for election to the
Board along with the notice of the date, time and place of the Annual Association Meeting to the
last recorded address of each Association member. The recommendations of the Nominating
committee shall be subject to additional nominations from the floor at the Annual Association
Meeting prior to the Director elections.
Section 3. Other Committees: Other committees not having and exercising the authority of the
Board of Directors in the management of the Corporation, including, but not limited to
committees on the environment, water quality and quantity, sewage, garbage disposal, water
safety, recreation, parks, police and fire protection, land use zoning and governmental affairs
may be designated by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at
which a Quorum is present. Except as otherwise provided in such resolution, members of such
committee shall be members of the Corporation, or their agents, and the President of the
Corporation shall appoint the members thereof. Any member thereof may be removed by the
President whenever in the President's judgment the best interests of the Corporation shall be
served by such removal.
Section 4.Funds: Should any committee require funds for purposes of its work, the committee
shall make application to the Board of Directors in writing, with a full statement of the funds
required and the purposes for which the funds are to be expended and upon request of the
Board of Directors, the committee shall meet with the Board at any regular or special meeting
thereafter to review the request and secure approval of the same. No committee shall expend
any funds without prior approval of the Board of Directors and then only upon vouchers
submitted to the Treasurer of the Corporation, who shall make the disbursement on behalf of
the committee.
Section 1. Membership meetings: Prior to each meeting, the Secretary and Treasurer shall make
and certify to the President a current and accurate list of all paid members who will be entitled
to vote on any matter to come before such meeting. In the case of special meetings of the
membership, a similar list of members in good standing will be submitted to the President prior
to the meeting to determine voting eligibility. Each Little McDonald-Kerbs lakeshore household
shall be considered as one membership, thereby entitled to one vote.
Section 2. Director's Meeting: Each member of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the
immediate past President as an ex-officio member, shall be entitled to one vote on any matter
before the Board.
Section 3. Committees: Each member of any committee shall be entitled to one vote on all
matters determined by the committee.
Section 4. Balloting: Voting for the election of Directors at any membership meeting shall be by
written ballot. In addition, upon the request at such membership meetings of no less than five
(5) members of the Corporation, any matter then before the meeting shall be determined by
written ballot. On other matters before the membership, outcome shall be determined by voice
vote or show of hands. The election of officers of the Board of Directors shall be by written
ballot. All other matters before the Board of Directors shall be determined by voice vote or show
of hands. All matters determined by any committee shall be by voice vote or show of hand. All
voting results shall be determined by simple majority.
Section 1. Dues: Members of the corporation shall pay annual dues which shall be in an amount
determined by the Board of Directors and approved at the Annual Meeting by vote of the
membership then present and voting. A Quorum (25 or more members) must be met before
such voting may proceed. Such dues shall be paid no later than 60 days following the Annual
Meeting and shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Corporation.
Section 2. Assessment: The Corporation shall have the power to levy special assessments upon
its members, but only when the amount of the assessment and the purpose for which it is made
shall have been approved by the Board of Directors, by vote of those present and voting and
further approved by the membership of the Corporation at a regular or special meeting. A
Quorum must be met in both instances.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by the membership of the Corporation at any regular
or special meeting of which due notice has been given and when such amendment has been
approved by a vote of those present and voting at such meeting. A Quorum must be met before
voting may proceed.
Section 1: Robert's Rules of Order as revised shall be the authority on all questions not covered
by these by-laws which shall arise at any regular or special meeting of the members, the Board of
Directors or any committee of the Corporation.
Revised June 2022.